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Healthy Wednesday: Hydration & Toddlers

Posted by Belina Lizarzabal on

One question I’ve always had, especially when my son was younger, is how much water or fluids was he suppose to have per day. I always heard that the amount varies based on their age, but was never sure what was appropriate because my son was true picky eater.

After lots of research and a lot of trial and error, I found these article on Baby Center and Livestrong that helped me understand how important it is to keep them hydrated.

Good hydration helps kids to:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Improve concentration
  • Help reduce common problems like constipation and urinary tract infections

Babies 6 months or younger shouldn’t be drinking water because it interferes with their ability to absorb nutrients from breastmilk or formula. After 6 months of age, when they start eating solids, they can start drinking small amounts of water.

Active toddlers need lots of water to replace the fluids they lose, especially during warm weather. Try to ensure that your toddler drinks about 1.3 liters, or five cups of water, per day. Most drinking water also contains fluoride, which will strengthen your toddler's teeth. It is always best to offer water vs. juice or sodas to kids. Juices can be packed with sugar and other ingredients, so try to limit your toddler’s juice intake to 4 to 6 oz per day.

If they refuse to drink plain water, try this tricks:

Offering water on a cool, colorful Sippy Cup or a personalized water bottle. My son absolutely loved when I gave him his very own personalized Thermos bottle. He would say: “Look mom! It has my name: Sebastian!” … I was so proud!

Using twisty fun straws. Believe me, those will do the trick.

Adding fruit to the water or making fruity ice cubes (from Feisty Veggies)

Teaching them how to serve themselves. Make it accessible.

And... the most important one: Being a role model. You have to make sure you drink plenty of water yourself! Remember they are watching everything we do or say.