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DIY: Up-cycle Old Easter Eggs

Posted by Jessica Jones on

If you are anything like me you have a ton of those plastic Easter eggs lying around your house, from gifts and Easter egg hunts at school we have accumulated more eggs than I plan on using next year. I got a little creative and did two fun projects with the kids today that put those eggs to good use!

Painting with the Eggs

My kids LOVE painting so I am always on the look out for ways to keep this activity fun and interesting. I saw this idea on Buggy and Buddy earlier this month and couldn't wait to give it a try!

I grabbed a few of the left over eggs in varying sizes, put some paint on paper, and let the kids dip the open end of the eggs in the paint and stamp onto the paper. The kids had a great time and this was a relatively mess free paint activity. 

Letter Game

My kids are both in preschool and love learning about letters, so I am always trying to find new ways to make learning letters fun. This was so easy I thought they wouldn't enjoy playing, but boy was I wrong! I wrote the upper case letters on the tops of the eggs and the lowercase letters on the bottoms of the eggs, I purposely mixed the colors so my kids would look at the letters and not try to match the colors. 

Do you have any ideas for up-cycling your old Easter eggs?